Safeguarding & Child Protection
We have been at the forefront of advising organisations on safeguarding and child protection since the inception of the current statutory regime in the early 2000s.
The aim of the Safeguarding Unit is to enable organisations to ensure in so far as is possible the safety and wellbeing of the children or adults in their charge. We do this by enabling organisations to respond to scrutiny and comply with law in this area, implementing best practice and cultural change where required, and handling cases (whether live or non-recent) appropriately and with sensitivity.
In the words of Jan Pickles OBE, former member of the National Safeguarding Board of Wales, “Robust safeguarding of children requires more than just a knowledge of the law, but a real commitment to keeping children safe. This is threaded through the approach at Farrers. I have found the Safeguarding Team to be accessible, generous with their knowledge and values driven. Working with the team has been a real pleasure.”
Our Safeguarding Unit consists of a team of lawyers from across different disciplines in the firm including safeguarding and child protection, education and employment, media and data protection, charity, family, sports and regulatory and public law.