Alexis Hille

Alexis specialises in providing advice to UK and international individuals, family offices and trustees on wealth structuring, estate planning and complex inheritance tax, income tax and capital gains tax planning.
Alexis understands the complications that almost inevitably arise when wealth crosses borders, particularly in the current political landscape of increasing transparency. Although Alexis enjoys navigating the nitty-gritty aspects of tax and succession law, she appreciates that many clients do not. Therefore, she considers it a crucial part of her job to distil these complicated areas of law into straightforward, pragmatic advice.
Alexis recognises that clients with international wealth often require a collaborative team of professionals in multiple jurisdictions. Alexis has built up significant experience in acting for high net worth individuals and families, often alongside other advisers with whom she has developed strong working relationships. She understands the importance of managing the lines of communication between advisers to ensure that it is constructive and solutions focused.
Alexis works closely with colleagues from other areas of the firm, such as family or IP, when her clients need broader advice.
Key areas of specialism:
Cross-border tax and succession: A key feature of Alexis' work is planning around the ever-shifting rules relating to residence, domicile and the taxation of international individuals and their structures. Having been born and raised in the US, Alexis enjoys working on US/UK matters in particular, and has many years of experience in advising US/UK individuals both for personal planning and in relation to trust structures.
Trust structuring and governance: Alexis advises settlors, trustees and protectors at all stages of the life of a trust, whether that is setting up the best structure, adapting existing structures to better meet changing circumstances or advising on winding up trusts that are no longer fit for purpose. Alexis also specialises in governance advice, helping to ensure that all stakeholders involved in the structure, whether individuals or corporate entities, adopt a best practice approach to running the structure and clear communication protocols, so that the structure functions at its best for the benefit of the family involved.
Alexis qualified as a solicitor in 2010.